Friday, September 30, 2005

empheral memories

alrighty, gonna start another blog soon just to store my designs and photos maybe... kinda like an archive. its gonna feature a new bloggin template again from scratch, but im gonna wait for inspiration before i start. :) any suggestions for names?

Nobody's Listening - Meteora, Linkin Park

Peep the style and the kids checking for it
The number one question is
How could you ignore it
We drop right back in the cut
Over basement tracks
With raps that got you backing this up like (rewind that)
We're just rolling with the rhythm
Rise from the ashes of stylistic division
With these non-stop lyrics of life living
Not to forgotten
But still unforgiven

But in the meantime there are those who wanna
Talk this and that/ so I suppose
It gets to a point feelings gotta get hurt
And get dirty with the people spreading the dirt

[Chorus: Chester]
Try to give you warning
But everyone ingnores me
(Told you everything loud and clear)
But nobody's listening
Call to you so clearly
But you don't want to hear me
(Told you everything loud and clear)
But nobody's listening

[Verse 2: Mike Shinoda]
I got a heart full of pain
head full of stress
Handful of anger
held in my chest
And everythings left is a waste of time
I hate my rhymes(But hate everyone else's more)

I'm riding on the back of this pressure
Guessing that it's better
I can't keep myself together
Because all of this stress
Gave me something to write on
The pain gave me something
I could set my sights on
You never forget the blood, sweat, and tears
The uphill struggle over the years
The fear and trash talking
And the people it was to
And the people that started it
Just like you

I got aHeart full of pain
head full of stress
Handful of anger
held in my chest
Uphill stuggle
blood, sweat, and tears

Nothing to gain
everything to fear(scratches)
Coming at you at every style
alrighty... havent had much time to ponder the meaning of life. which is good, means im actually doing something less empheral(or is it?). thinking of adding another section on to this skin. sry for the lack of posting recently, been busy with stuff and havent had anything to blog anyway

oh as for the new section thingie, i'll just append it to my posts which should be fairly frequent.

dont feel down, dont feel lonely... if anything, there is always someone next to you who cares.

meh. new word... describes Asperation(or desperation). Air force Seminar tomorrow, i do hope i make the cut somehow... its not going to be easy yes, but God i would love the freedom of flying.


- Evanessence
- Nickleback
- Alter Bridge

Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb of Xbox Live on Xbox 360 and related stuff

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

find me

Monday, September 26, 2005

i am beginning to see... yes... now i understand...

i want to be free... to live like i always wanted. yet i want u by my side, its just that i want u to soar with me too... not be dragged by me, but to soar with ur own wings.

does that justify anything? no. come on... lets do this

excrept from Civil War - Guns 'N Roses

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

Friday, September 23, 2005

fuck this shit

edit: alright, to add on more now that blogger lets me in.

i am saddened by the way my class is breaking apart so close to the end of our time together, its such a pity really. judgemental. irritation. intolerance. had i become to blind? is it too late? i pray not.


why must we fight
why did this end
i'll do what i can
to call you friend.

there is much i want
there is much i need
but in living our lives
must we always bleed?

holding your hand
lifting you high
all i ever want now
is for you to hear this cry

why must we fight
why did this end
i'll do what i can
just to call you friend.

-AnT-SeSix:OUR class

be free

ok, here i am at computing and supposed to be studying... supposed to be.

i get this feeling that i should be better, should meet the expectations of myself, not others but myself, and i do know that i have been given the capacity to.. the potential(non-kinetic, sry... personal joke). and yet i have not utilised it to ANY effect. i love the things i study, phy, math, computing, they are all my strongest, yet why do i not perform?

my friends... again, another aspect in which im losing touch with, with so many(not really) things going on, how can i return to the way i was before? i want to try to be there, but i just have not the energy. im so sorry...

there, slight rant... emo stuff stresses me out more than academic, must try to be better, to soar, to run the race.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

new blog skin coming... went over to deviant art to surf a lil and decided to do something a lil brighter this time round. no time to properly photoshop my original idea so bringing in a completely new idea... gimme a few days, time is pretty tight and im tired.

on another note, had 2 signs today.. 1st what Fab Soong today and 2nd while i was clapping for the beautiful people of ACJC:) there is a place in my heart for AC, this red blue and gold blooded feeling. if giving the chance i would dedicate much more to AC... haha... if only. but then again... it was taken out of my hand by my own choice so sad aye?

AnT-Virn: is everything ok? if you do need someone to talk to im right here k? dun let the stress and stuff spiral out of control, if anything, remember that we are concerned....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

impossible is just a big word thrown about by small men,
who find it easier to live in a world they have been given
than to explore the power they have to change it.
impossible is not a fact. it is an opinion.
impossible is not a declaration. it is a dare.
impossible is potential. impossible is temporary.
impossible is...... nothing.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

"studying pays off later, procrastination pays off now.
procrastination is just like masturbation,
you enjoy it until you realise you are screwing yourself
try this... type failure into google and see whats the 1st hit that shows up:P its hilarious

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

afflatus: gentleman-talism

well there aint no such word but yeah... what makes a gentleman? is the gentleman desired in this time and age?

was reading a friend's blog and she mentioned this,
1.looks count
2."mannerism" counts even more

what makes u a gentleman? ultimately the way you behave. being nice is 1 thing, being a gentleman involves doing the right thing at the right time and of course you must want to do it naturally just for the sake of the other person. paying of dinner, the movie, holding the door or just simply waiting patiently for the girl is a.... tangible manisfestation of being gentlemanly. speaking in a well manner-ed tone, thinking of how the other person would feel and acting accordingly is the less.... visible side of being a gentleman.

so now that a brief profile has been made of a gentleman... why do so many people fail at this? haha... its the age that we live in. coarse words and slacker-ism rule the in-crowd. there is no need to care how you behave just because you are too cool for it to matter. in fact, where or rather... how often do you see a person our age acting gentlemanly, especially around his classmates, or generally people we have gotten comfortable with.

its not us guys fault really... it has just become so natural that we hardly care, i mean... if other's don't do it, why bother going out of the way to act "gentlemanly". sad... but true. Immaturity is also another factor i believe, but that is subjective.. haha... immaturity affects more of how we behave, which in turn links with gentleman-talism... yeah....

how to be a gentleman? i cannot tell you.. haha... but i do believe the key is caring what other's think of your beheaviour, that would...motivate you to "behave". it would do the whole world a favor... this applies for the majority of friends i know:P unfortunatly... haha... not that ive got things against you guys, but yeah... it would be nice to have less people throwing that "pffft... guys" look ya'know?

although i dont think its neccessary to have dashing good looks or anything, personal hygiene and dressing do count, basically presenting urself...:) of course the main thing is having that sweet smile on ur face... but this is besides the point...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Brother bear... - Phil Collins

Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone
But there's nothing I can say to change
the things I've done
Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame

And I pray someone, something will come
to take away the pain
There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day

Tell me where, did I go wrong
Everyone I loved, they're all gone
I'd do everything so differently
but I can't turn back the time
There's no shelter from the storm inside of me

There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free
But I can't see another way
I can't face another day

I can't believe the words I hear
It's like an answer to a prayer
When I look around I see
This place, this time, this friend of mine

I know its hard but you found somehow
To look into your heart and to forgive me now
You've given me the strength to see
just where my journey ends
You've given me the strength to carry on

I see the path from this dark place
I see my future
Your forgiveness has set me free
On and I can see another way
I can face another day!
I see the path, I can see the path
I see the future
I see the path from this dark place
I see the future I see the path,
I can see the path I see the future....

looks like somebody had a vendetta with tag boards... Fooble and cbox tagboards down for some reason... bah.. so much to do so little time... use the comment feature in place of taggin if u want.

okie... new idea for my next blog skin... didnt turn out so well after i scanned it... hmm.. lets see how good i am with photoshop then:D cheerio

Sunday, September 11, 2005


hmm... either these guys are speaking german or i cannot understange germans speaking english... bugger.
you may be wondering why i never did continue the marriage thing, well... i did some writing offline and thought about it. Guess i decided that it wouldn't be so appropriate to post it up, as logical as the arguments may sound, "slaughtering the sacred cow" will have its consequences. so in order to protect a certain 13 yr old who is turning 14 soon, i shall forget i ever started that topic:P ok its also because i think the arguments there are pretty strong and i don't want to be convince myself that things have decayed/evolved to such an extent. Sorry dudes and dudettes...

on another note, i have learnt 3 valuable lessons today,
1.bring a picture along for a haircut, it makes it alot easier
2.i should not cut my sides farther than 2cm above my ear no matter what Mdm Tham will say
3.put on glasses when check back through mirrors... or i'll end up lookin like an ahbeng with too long hair at the back and too short hair everywhere else(on my head that is)

now... about that anime i was suppose to be downloading...................

Friday, September 09, 2005

i know who you are...


Artificial Networked Technician Assembled for Efficient Utility, Scientific Calculation and Accurate Infiltration

Thursday, September 08, 2005

quick post before i head over to Adel's.... i have 2 mini cornettos on my table... i shall now use said cornettos to prove that eating cold food in the morning is completely safe and should be practiced regularly... or maybe im just hungry.... :) ciaoz

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

so... on with the topic of marriage.(damn... i had alot of typos in the last post must have been the aftereffects of running in this weather)

what is Marriage? is it really relevant and important in this age?
in 1 camp, people view marriages as contracts binding each other and there is with reason you cant find any thing that should hold these 2 people together for their entire life times, it is in fact a.... trammel to our personal freedom, an impedence... thus people should not engage in such rigid social laws, but embrace freedom of choice and not be bound by pieces of paper.

on the other hand, the traditional people think of marriage as being sacred and not to be broken. it is.. just so... failure to keep this most sacred of all rules means that society as we know it shall end (like it hasnt already). There are many arguments that support both camps, if you want to know them, go read The Straits Times.

marraige to me is an act of selflessness... no, there is no bind to be found with reason, that exchanging vows alone being enough to bind 2 people irrevocably is pure wishwash, derision. it is the person's honor and maturity that form the very fibres of the bind that marriage depends on. everyone has a choice, whether you choose to endorse a dogged adherence to traditions or a swinging life style is entire up to you.

next Cohabitation and other...lifestyles

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

alrighty... juz finished the 1/100 model.. and a photog session with it:P AnT's mini studio.. with my trusty table lamp and digi cam.

Marriage, cohabitation, polygamy....

interesting concepts... or rather... different ways of life. What is marriage? or what is love for that matter? can we truly say anything is right or wrong?

i don't claim to have the answer for everything...

oh i forgot.. im supposed to run... be right back.

ok back... bah.. again waiting.. for the heater. meanwhile... where was i? oh right... human relations...

a contract that 2 people sign... nothing more, just a piece of paper? a promise... to be broken. My personal peeve... 1st, are promises made to be broken? was glass made to be shattered?were live made to be lost were dreams made to evaporate? i think not. A marriage is promise yes. but just as truth must accompany trust, loyalty must accompany promises, lest you be the work of the foulest demon existing, especially with promises of that enormity.

overcome by exhaustion.. will continue tomorrow... please make ur views know if you wish. but know that this is not my view on marriage, it is not a contract.. but rather... a show of selflessness... will explain tmr...

there we are... photos from last week.. like finally:P haha... been busy u see...

hakuna matata

1.i dont get it... i can make a blog skin from scratch... design a background from any photo... but i cant get a damn hit counter to work...

2. im about ready to convince my Aunt to rename Max... Courage, the cowardly dog... i mean... what kinda dog runs away from a hair brush?

ok.. 2 random posts up there...

so here it is... pretty much the last school holidays that we'll enjoy. people say that you should go through life with no regrets... is it truly possible? Food for thought.

tonight i shall run... nice and slow pace, 1.8km, up to Tessarina and back home, with the ipod blasting in my ears... its been a long time since i last ran. but maybe solace can be found in working my body... my mind has been working alone for far too long.

but now... study. like i always do...(yeah right)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

walking on...
on through rocky ground
sharp, wicked rocks...
slipping on my own blood

well.. here i am.. 1 am in the morning. i woke up with this sudden urge to blog.. haha.. and that little imagery in my mind... i honestly do not want to know why it came to mind.. though... ah.. nevermind... more to blog tmr i hope... nitez....

edit: strange that no more than 5 min after i post this.. i read almost exactly the same analogy on a friend's blog... strange... or mere coincidence... yet it is of a different context.. maybe i read too much into it.


Thursday, September 01, 2005


oh well.. been feeling like this blog hasnt been up to scratch lately... i shall now vow to write more and think more... its kinda like having a conversation with myself(which is healthy, as long as you don't do it in public) and thus with a person of equal intelligence(notice i said equal and not high) so i shall now embark on a delusion of eloquence(as Detective Hartigan of SinCity puts it) and write.. and write... and write... but first....



i hate people who judge(isnt that oxymoronic?)

i know every person has their own opinion, their likes, dislikes....
but when these drive a rift between people... its just.... irritating
why in the world is there a need to keep a distance from people?
can you not give them chances?


thank you.. for all who remember my bdae:) even those who didnt but are still close to my heart:) thank you.... to my class, who made my day.... and to Addy, who made my days...(and got me a big baloon that is miraculously floating still.....)
there we go... new blogskin for a new month

bah.. it feels... off... oh well.

Great thanks to Andrew Lai for modelling these bulbs, do take note of broken bulb on left side. said broken bulb is my source of inspiration and light, thus i shall emulate its.... brokeness....

on another matter, links have finally been updated, lazy me. enjoy... will work on my javascripting soon.. but now... slp.