Marriage, cohabitation, polygamy....
interesting concepts... or rather... different ways of life. What is marriage? or what is love for that matter? can we truly say anything is right or wrong?
i don't claim to have the answer for everything...
oh i forgot.. im supposed to run... be right back.
ok back... bah.. again waiting.. for the heater. meanwhile... where was i? oh right... human relations...
a contract that 2 people sign... nothing more, just a piece of paper? a promise... to be broken. My personal peeve... 1st, are promises made to be broken? was glass made to be shattered?were live made to be lost were dreams made to evaporate? i think not. A marriage is promise yes. but just as truth must accompany trust, loyalty must accompany promises, lest you be the work of the foulest demon existing, especially with promises of that enormity.
overcome by exhaustion.. will continue tomorrow... please make ur views know if you wish. but know that this is not my view on marriage, it is not a contract.. but rather... a show of selflessness... will explain tmr...
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