Wednesday, September 14, 2005

afflatus: gentleman-talism

well there aint no such word but yeah... what makes a gentleman? is the gentleman desired in this time and age?

was reading a friend's blog and she mentioned this,
1.looks count
2."mannerism" counts even more

what makes u a gentleman? ultimately the way you behave. being nice is 1 thing, being a gentleman involves doing the right thing at the right time and of course you must want to do it naturally just for the sake of the other person. paying of dinner, the movie, holding the door or just simply waiting patiently for the girl is a.... tangible manisfestation of being gentlemanly. speaking in a well manner-ed tone, thinking of how the other person would feel and acting accordingly is the less.... visible side of being a gentleman.

so now that a brief profile has been made of a gentleman... why do so many people fail at this? haha... its the age that we live in. coarse words and slacker-ism rule the in-crowd. there is no need to care how you behave just because you are too cool for it to matter. in fact, where or rather... how often do you see a person our age acting gentlemanly, especially around his classmates, or generally people we have gotten comfortable with.

its not us guys fault really... it has just become so natural that we hardly care, i mean... if other's don't do it, why bother going out of the way to act "gentlemanly". sad... but true. Immaturity is also another factor i believe, but that is subjective.. haha... immaturity affects more of how we behave, which in turn links with gentleman-talism... yeah....

how to be a gentleman? i cannot tell you.. haha... but i do believe the key is caring what other's think of your beheaviour, that would...motivate you to "behave". it would do the whole world a favor... this applies for the majority of friends i know:P unfortunatly... haha... not that ive got things against you guys, but yeah... it would be nice to have less people throwing that "pffft... guys" look ya'know?

although i dont think its neccessary to have dashing good looks or anything, personal hygiene and dressing do count, basically presenting urself...:) of course the main thing is having that sweet smile on ur face... but this is besides the point...


Blogger Virn said...

nature nuture i guess. like, if you've not been brought up in this certain way, it's very difficult for this person to change his mannerism. if you're not a so-called gentleman, then i guess it's pretty hard for you to suddenly start holding the door for girls etc. although i think it's basic curteosy (spell?) to do that la. haha. interesting topic there chrissy. let's continue talking about this in school! (:

7:59 PM  

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