nice colorful advertisement... haha... 250,000 color balls bouncing down the streets of sanfran... this you gotta see.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
nice colorful advertisement... haha... 250,000 color balls bouncing down the streets of sanfran... this you gotta see.
nice colorful advertisement... haha... 250,000 color balls bouncing down the streets of sanfran... this you gotta see.
Friday, October 28, 2005
You howl and listen
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won't return
i long for adventure, the honor of a blade and wrath upon evil doers. yet i know that this gray scale world is not the place for such fantasies. as such, i shall retreat into the world of heroes and villians if only to recover for my next plunge into the madness that is life. fight on brave Drizzt!
on a seperate note... ive been dreaming about alot of people the last few nights... save one
everything you want. everything you need. but meaning nothing to you, i dont know why.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
words are bitches...
no really, they are... because of the way that people think and how differently we think words can cause such problems. stupid motherfuckers. words i mean.
well of course some people are stupid...or mother fuckers... or both... thankfully i havnt met any. well not mother fuckers anyway.
very annoyed with dealing with people in such a limited and respectless sense. there are of course 2 reasons and 2 solutions to this problem. isolate myself and live in my own digital world. or try to get out. oddly, as easy as the life of a hermit seems to me(and appeals) im not going to choose that.
Happy cow... i hope read this. its hard. my resolution is set, it will happen. but its really really hard.
well of course some people are stupid...or mother fuckers... or both... thankfully i havnt met any. well not mother fuckers anyway.
very annoyed with dealing with people in such a limited and respectless sense. there are of course 2 reasons and 2 solutions to this problem. isolate myself and live in my own digital world. or try to get out. oddly, as easy as the life of a hermit seems to me(and appeals) im not going to choose that.
Happy cow... i hope read this. its hard. my resolution is set, it will happen. but its really really hard.
Monday, October 24, 2005
communication. big words.
what is communication? the ability to pass on ideas(memes) to other people... in a clear concise way.
words are a motherf***er, they can be great or even worse they can teach hate.
to be a "good" communicator is not only to command a wide range of vocab, it is not to be able to express yourself fluently or to speak as many languages as C3P0. it is the ability to get the other person to understand you. to transfer the message in the best way possible, ie the way that the person would best understand. Those who share a love for a language would probably have a command that would allow them to instantly form the idea in their minds when you talk in "big words". A movie buff would relate ideas to scenes in movies, and a gamer would talk about life struggles like a Warcraft 3 game(im not refering to you ben, really im not... didnt even cross my mind:) haha... i digress).
No one can be a perfect communicator because of the simple fact that there are billions of permutations in the way that people communicate. should we try? of course.
blogs are communication tools, and you can see how different people choose to digitise(voice) theirideas. from the simplistic... pouring out of random thoughts.... that come to mind... usuallu punctuated with.... dotz. the raw thoughts, often punctuated with f***ing swears that are nonetheless appropriate. eloquence and with a verbal dexterity that is always both a pleasure and pain to read at the same time... it really depends.
i hate to compare these 2, but look at the SPG and XiaXue. I don't often read their blogs, but their styles of writing are perfect examples. XiaXue caters to the Average internet reader, quick, short and illustrative posts that survives the short attention span of her readers. SPG on the other hand blogs for herself, her ideas are always written out in full passionate detail.
Re-minisce... dances with words, weaving an intricate story behind each post, sometimes it is hard to grasp the entire story, but his feelings are evident. just like tarantallegra and Le' Matou Planche, their writings are... peotry to me:)
i? i am better communicating on a personal level, or at least... i was. recently, life has had little to offer in the way of souls who need saving. that is good i guess... but it leaves me feeling... redundant... inadequet...
i am confused
ego amor to
edit: wanted to comment this on reminisce's, but the system called me a spammer. *sigh
of course your words are choosen well:) but communication isnt eloquence is it? people think in different ways and there for it is difficult to translate your thoughts into a medium that everyone can comprehend, lest they think in a way similar to yours. on another note, is this the reason for the FURBAR, BUNDY tag given to a certain blogger.
alrighty. time to sleep i think.
what is communication? the ability to pass on ideas(memes) to other people... in a clear concise way.
words are a motherf***er, they can be great or even worse they can teach hate.
to be a "good" communicator is not only to command a wide range of vocab, it is not to be able to express yourself fluently or to speak as many languages as C3P0. it is the ability to get the other person to understand you. to transfer the message in the best way possible, ie the way that the person would best understand. Those who share a love for a language would probably have a command that would allow them to instantly form the idea in their minds when you talk in "big words". A movie buff would relate ideas to scenes in movies, and a gamer would talk about life struggles like a Warcraft 3 game(im not refering to you ben, really im not... didnt even cross my mind:) haha... i digress).
No one can be a perfect communicator because of the simple fact that there are billions of permutations in the way that people communicate. should we try? of course.
blogs are communication tools, and you can see how different people choose to digitise(voice) theirideas. from the simplistic... pouring out of random thoughts.... that come to mind... usuallu punctuated with.... dotz. the raw thoughts, often punctuated with f***ing swears that are nonetheless appropriate. eloquence and with a verbal dexterity that is always both a pleasure and pain to read at the same time... it really depends.
i hate to compare these 2, but look at the SPG and XiaXue. I don't often read their blogs, but their styles of writing are perfect examples. XiaXue caters to the Average internet reader, quick, short and illustrative posts that survives the short attention span of her readers. SPG on the other hand blogs for herself, her ideas are always written out in full passionate detail.
Re-minisce... dances with words, weaving an intricate story behind each post, sometimes it is hard to grasp the entire story, but his feelings are evident. just like tarantallegra and Le' Matou Planche, their writings are... peotry to me:)
i? i am better communicating on a personal level, or at least... i was. recently, life has had little to offer in the way of souls who need saving. that is good i guess... but it leaves me feeling... redundant... inadequet...
i am confused
ego amor to
edit: wanted to comment this on reminisce's, but the system called me a spammer. *sigh
of course your words are choosen well:) but communication isnt eloquence is it? people think in different ways and there for it is difficult to translate your thoughts into a medium that everyone can comprehend, lest they think in a way similar to yours. on another note, is this the reason for the FURBAR, BUNDY tag given to a certain blogger.
alrighty. time to sleep i think.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
tarantallegra is a beautiful writer... well... her words capture the feelings and maybe its because im deprived of it so long that ive forgotten the ability to put passion into words. the simple colors and raw feelings should be what a blog is.
as neutral and conforming as can be... that be me.
as neutral and conforming as can be... that be me.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
suddenly had this compulsion to write about smtng... anytng.
running without the ipod sucked... i ended up thinking about lots of stuff, stuff i shouldnt start thinking about or it'll start going round and round and round and round....... yeah well you get the idea.
ok, 1st off, i was skimming through the 2A1 timecapsule site checking out profiles and stuff. wt did i find? a certain interesting interests: segment of a certain desperate despo haha... it was quite amusing, but it brought back nostalgia... the first few months of ACJC and the insane rush to have fun.... now that is replaced by the insane and inane rush for the A's. wow... growing up kinda sucks dosent it? i mean, i would love to grow up and be independant and all but when you realise how much fun you've had for the past few years. it just sucks to think that you are leaving these behind. all these memories, thankfully entombed in still frames that will rest on my wall(and heart) for years to come.
The photos of Sesix put up by Virn were beautiful, capturing us in all our quirkiness. From my no.17 shirt(which i never knew i wore to school) to the beautiful picture of Fio and ZL... meh. missing the class yet again.
ok a few shout outs.
Skitty is on a full recovery i think... (sry dude, im still grinning when i think of the name skitty, its a letter away from kitty and s*itty). take care of yourself dude.
where are you Ying? hvnt really been able to chat with you for some time.. limpz too. hope you enjoy church and it will hold meaning for you. church changed my way of looking at things too... its just that now, is not the time i believe. i dont know really...
speaking of which, ive been carrying my bible everywhere i go now adays... not sure why.. just reading random verses.
running without the ipod sucked... i ended up thinking about lots of stuff, stuff i shouldnt start thinking about or it'll start going round and round and round and round....... yeah well you get the idea.
ok, 1st off, i was skimming through the 2A1 timecapsule site checking out profiles and stuff. wt did i find? a certain interesting interests: segment of a certain desperate despo haha... it was quite amusing, but it brought back nostalgia... the first few months of ACJC and the insane rush to have fun.... now that is replaced by the insane and inane rush for the A's. wow... growing up kinda sucks dosent it? i mean, i would love to grow up and be independant and all but when you realise how much fun you've had for the past few years. it just sucks to think that you are leaving these behind. all these memories, thankfully entombed in still frames that will rest on my wall(and heart) for years to come.
The photos of Sesix put up by Virn were beautiful, capturing us in all our quirkiness. From my no.17 shirt(which i never knew i wore to school) to the beautiful picture of Fio and ZL... meh. missing the class yet again.
ok a few shout outs.
Skitty is on a full recovery i think... (sry dude, im still grinning when i think of the name skitty, its a letter away from kitty and s*itty). take care of yourself dude.
where are you Ying? hvnt really been able to chat with you for some time.. limpz too. hope you enjoy church and it will hold meaning for you. church changed my way of looking at things too... its just that now, is not the time i believe. i dont know really...
speaking of which, ive been carrying my bible everywhere i go now adays... not sure why.. just reading random verses.
Friday, October 21, 2005
the sharpest image
this is what i call passion. a must read. its inspiring if you understand how possible it is for you to do something that you know you would love. something that excites and invigorates you.
this is what i call passion. a must read. its inspiring if you understand how possible it is for you to do something that you know you would love. something that excites and invigorates you.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
im beginning to get annoyed with loud blog music... coz im using headphones... meh. haha... hi all, just to let you know im still hanging in there... &*((*!%&!(*#! A levels
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Song of the moment - Easier to Run - Meteora, Linkin Park
It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone
It's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone
explicit(M-18, read only if u want to:P)
is sex that big a deal anymore?
a 17 yr old writes freely about having sex with her boyfriend out in the cold of greece... they arnt ashamed or hiding this... maybe from their parents yeah... but she does not feel remorse or anything that someone from our culture would. haha... not that im promoting that people in singapore should have sex on the street or anything, its that... the casualness is... refreshing. where we talk crap with "the guys" about porn or wt have you, they(the white people) generally accept the acts as normal...
there is no right or wrong really... haha... just a difference in culture. yet, with this stiffness(pun not intended) of Singaporean society and culture, stemming from our asian roots, we also lose out in thinking, because once we let this culture element take root in our thinking, the other "old-fashioned" ideas will follow. Gays, lesbians... discrimination is a horrible thing. in the end, we will be so afraid to think and be free that we die as a society. our minds lack wit and freedom of fear. and sadly... i dont think its going to change soon.
i wish there were a way to change this, without moral decadence... but its a give and take apperantly... can we fucking start to bother?
a 17 yr old writes freely about having sex with her boyfriend out in the cold of greece... they arnt ashamed or hiding this... maybe from their parents yeah... but she does not feel remorse or anything that someone from our culture would. haha... not that im promoting that people in singapore should have sex on the street or anything, its that... the casualness is... refreshing. where we talk crap with "the guys" about porn or wt have you, they(the white people) generally accept the acts as normal...
there is no right or wrong really... haha... just a difference in culture. yet, with this stiffness(pun not intended) of Singaporean society and culture, stemming from our asian roots, we also lose out in thinking, because once we let this culture element take root in our thinking, the other "old-fashioned" ideas will follow. Gays, lesbians... discrimination is a horrible thing. in the end, we will be so afraid to think and be free that we die as a society. our minds lack wit and freedom of fear. and sadly... i dont think its going to change soon.
i wish there were a way to change this, without moral decadence... but its a give and take apperantly... can we fucking start to bother?
the flutter of wings on the other side of the glass pane wakes me
a bird(or is it?) gives way to a flower, bright and inviting,
yet obviously dying
it is the only flower in this patch of green, standing tall in its own lonesome corner
yet it is dying
wiping the sleepy white fuzz from my vision i look closer
the rot and inevitible decay that takes all is climbing the petals
can you hear it scream? no...
yet... it is dying.
will i share that fate? to shine brightly and let darkness consume me slowly?
i think not. my dreams will one day shine...
at least.... i pray they will
fly with me fly.....
take me far away from this mucky muck
a bird(or is it?) gives way to a flower, bright and inviting,
yet obviously dying
it is the only flower in this patch of green, standing tall in its own lonesome corner
yet it is dying
wiping the sleepy white fuzz from my vision i look closer
the rot and inevitible decay that takes all is climbing the petals
can you hear it scream? no...
yet... it is dying.
will i share that fate? to shine brightly and let darkness consume me slowly?
i think not. my dreams will one day shine...
at least.... i pray they will
fly with me fly.....
take me far away from this mucky muck
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
2km in 10 minutes... closer and closer to my mark.. haha... albiet still far though... maybe a couple more runs and i'll make 2.4
alrighty... complains? i guess sometimes people feel the urge to whine, but even if u like to whine, u may not like to hear whining... ultimately if u dun want to piss ppl off(well at least not to annoy people) dont whine too much. yes, some are blessed with great patience... but even they have limits...
strangly this is not just applicable to a certain stressed J1... relax dudes and especially dudettes... take care
alrighty... complains? i guess sometimes people feel the urge to whine, but even if u like to whine, u may not like to hear whining... ultimately if u dun want to piss ppl off(well at least not to annoy people) dont whine too much. yes, some are blessed with great patience... but even they have limits...
strangly this is not just applicable to a certain stressed J1... relax dudes and especially dudettes... take care
Monday, October 17, 2005
hmm.... this brings a whole new meaning to voyuerism... a lens that lets u see through stuff like fabrics... of... shirts... and... well... wt do u expect to see....
Saturday, October 15, 2005
hey dudes of 2SE6.
got the rates of the Costa Sands Chalets...
Kampung Hut(aircon-ed)
NTUC member rate: $40 online rate: $50
Superior Chalet
NTUC member rate: $90 online rate: $125
anyone a member? please comment here and spread the word too:)
and 12-13 Dec is available... actually there is alot available, i'll book it whenever u r ready, and pay too... will decide later whether its a treat for u guys or not:P happy muggin
got the rates of the Costa Sands Chalets...
Kampung Hut(aircon-ed)
NTUC member rate: $40 online rate: $50
Superior Chalet
NTUC member rate: $90 online rate: $125
anyone a member? please comment here and spread the word too:)
and 12-13 Dec is available... actually there is alot available, i'll book it whenever u r ready, and pay too... will decide later whether its a treat for u guys or not:P happy muggin
Thursday, October 13, 2005
geek gets popular on MySpace read and know how to get a million friends in less than a day
come grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.
so it has come to pass... It feels... surreal to be an alumni. barely 12 hours after i walk out of the Auditorium i'm already feeling the tugging at my heart. the people have taught me so much and brought me so far, dragged me out of crap and jumped straight back in with me, danced, sang cheered and hollered(all the while kicking RJ butt, :) nothing against u angie)...
i am an ACSian... Red Blue and Gold Blooded... and proud of it
so it has come to pass... It feels... surreal to be an alumni. barely 12 hours after i walk out of the Auditorium i'm already feeling the tugging at my heart. the people have taught me so much and brought me so far, dragged me out of crap and jumped straight back in with me, danced, sang cheered and hollered(all the while kicking RJ butt, :) nothing against u angie)...
i am an ACSian... Red Blue and Gold Blooded... and proud of it
nostalgia, reminisce, spirit...
eating out with the guys at swensons was fun, in a guyish way. the lameness, the freeflow of icecream(all 16 scoops for like, a buck a person you could get ur own earthquake) its too bad that the girls didnt come... it would have been... more complete.
talking to Joel after years of not doing so had a strange effect, the memories that were wrought led to thoughts and again nostalgia.
didnt take many pictures, though i badly wanted to. just felt.... it was worthless. a gewgaw. not that i do not like the people around me... but just that... well, i have become a gewgaw, another soul in the sea of lost souls, seeking not to be noticed, and yet at the same time longing to be more than a mere shadow... longing to be... free.
talking to Virn last night was also thought provoking. Her description of a certain guy was uncanny(except for the prolific part), was that not who i was? not am... but was...
damn this feeling...

on another note, i would call the project a success! Thanks to Ying :)
i got another confession to make... im your fool
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
im about to reach 1000 hits. haha... thx for reading guys:P either there are a few people coming back lots(which is good) or there are many people coming often(which is good too). :) will try to update soon, but studying saps my strength. all the best guys!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
i have so much to write.. yet not a minute to spend writing:P ah well... will blog as and when i can. but food for thought now.
im almost through a quarter of my life... the next 20 yrs will be the most exciting... the most enticing and yet terrifying... will i be as carefree as some, as wise as re-misisce... yet.. still stuck in the wrong age like aaron. i dont know... but i do have a response to life.
bring it on
im almost through a quarter of my life... the next 20 yrs will be the most exciting... the most enticing and yet terrifying... will i be as carefree as some, as wise as re-misisce... yet.. still stuck in the wrong age like aaron. i dont know... but i do have a response to life.
bring it on
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
miscast play
it is so uncanny.... whenever i feel uncertainty and doubt, God chooses to answer my fears with a friend. i am almost entirely convinced that that is my calling... to serve others as a friend, to guide and support... yet that in itself is another problem for myself(i shall not expound). time to sleep...
2 people i hold close to my heart are going through trying times, strangly this single message says all that my heart wants to say to both...
you are in my prayers friend... i wish for nothing more than for you to put this episode behind you, no matter the outcome. know that within an empheral world there are timeless possesions... friendships. stay strong...
2 people i hold close to my heart are going through trying times, strangly this single message says all that my heart wants to say to both...
you are in my prayers friend... i wish for nothing more than for you to put this episode behind you, no matter the outcome. know that within an empheral world there are timeless possesions... friendships. stay strong...
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Apple blames fat people for broken Ipod nano's
no offence to larger people. check out the comments though... its so funny
somedude: lose some wait
somedude: *loose
no offence to larger people. check out the comments though... its so funny
somedude: lose some wait
somedude: *loose
Saturday, October 01, 2005
...And a round thing in your face you get sprung...
rar! cool day, had the airforce seminar thingie and ran into a few AC ppl, Gd ol' Leon was just a couple of seats away from me but i cldnt see him for the light absorbing mass between us.(thought the temperature went up a couple of notches at some point of the presentation...)
on a more serious note, i was inspired... this is something to work for man! to fly and defend with honor, to help and serve. (sounds pretty patriotic eh?)
just came from a run, gonna shower now.
Save tonight - Eagle Eyed Cherry
I like Big Butts - Sir Mix Alot
Give me Novacaine - Greenday
diggnation - Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht(warning: explitives from hammered nerds)
these guys talk about the latest tech "gossip" and the best beers they can find. as you probably can guess... they are drunk for the 1st half and gone by the second. i dont know what weed these guys smoke, but it must be good stuff
on a more serious note, i was inspired... this is something to work for man! to fly and defend with honor, to help and serve. (sounds pretty patriotic eh?)
just came from a run, gonna shower now.
Save tonight - Eagle Eyed Cherry
I like Big Butts - Sir Mix Alot
Give me Novacaine - Greenday
diggnation - Kevin Rose & Alex Albrecht(warning: explitives from hammered nerds)
these guys talk about the latest tech "gossip" and the best beers they can find. as you probably can guess... they are drunk for the 1st half and gone by the second. i dont know what weed these guys smoke, but it must be good stuff