Monday, October 24, 2005


communication. big words.

what is communication? the ability to pass on ideas(memes) to other people... in a clear concise way.
words are a motherf***er, they can be great or even worse they can teach hate.

to be a "good" communicator is not only to command a wide range of vocab, it is not to be able to express yourself fluently or to speak as many languages as C3P0. it is the ability to get the other person to understand you. to transfer the message in the best way possible, ie the way that the person would best understand. Those who share a love for a language would probably have a command that would allow them to instantly form the idea in their minds when you talk in "big words". A movie buff would relate ideas to scenes in movies, and a gamer would talk about life struggles like a Warcraft 3 game(im not refering to you ben, really im not... didnt even cross my mind:) haha... i digress).

No one can be a perfect communicator because of the simple fact that there are billions of permutations in the way that people communicate. should we try? of course.

blogs are communication tools, and you can see how different people choose to digitise(voice) theirideas. from the simplistic... pouring out of random thoughts.... that come to mind... usuallu punctuated with.... dotz. the raw thoughts, often punctuated with f***ing swears that are nonetheless appropriate. eloquence and with a verbal dexterity that is always both a pleasure and pain to read at the same time... it really depends.

i hate to compare these 2, but look at the SPG and XiaXue. I don't often read their blogs, but their styles of writing are perfect examples. XiaXue caters to the Average internet reader, quick, short and illustrative posts that survives the short attention span of her readers. SPG on the other hand blogs for herself, her ideas are always written out in full passionate detail.

Re-minisce... dances with words, weaving an intricate story behind each post, sometimes it is hard to grasp the entire story, but his feelings are evident. just like tarantallegra and Le' Matou Planche, their writings are... peotry to me:)

i? i am better communicating on a personal level, or at least... i was. recently, life has had little to offer in the way of souls who need saving. that is good i guess... but it leaves me feeling... redundant... inadequet...

i am confused

ego amor to

edit: wanted to comment this on reminisce's, but the system called me a spammer. *sigh
of course your words are choosen well:) but communication isnt eloquence is it? people think in different ways and there for it is difficult to translate your thoughts into a medium that everyone can comprehend, lest they think in a way similar to yours. on another note, is this the reason for the FURBAR, BUNDY tag given to a certain blogger.

alrighty. time to sleep i think.


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