Thursday, June 30, 2005

Interesting and useful...

online translater...

on another note, stumbled across a japanese porn actress blog... (blame mr brown's blog)

p.s the 2nd comment is neither interesting nor useful... unless you are interested in such things and have a use for it.... go away winston...

edit: check out this guy's comments on the jap porn actress's blog... he's some singaporean fan... damn funny

Socialite Part 4

Adeline's Family is a unique case.... Her mom has 11 sisters... how cool is that? they are a pretty traditional chinese family. But her uncle lives a good life... and though at 1st i felt uncomfortable in their functions... i've warmed up and foudn that it is not the food or the wine... but the company that makes a dinner enjoyable. Though i might not to chummy with them, nor am i a very talkative and crap-a-lot person... i find juz sitting there and laughing at the jokes they crack is enough... i am genuinly entertained and love their company... yes, the wine and dine is lavish by my standards, and i do screw up when it comes to etiquette, but what the hell aye? underneath all the high society is a family that has been through alot to get to where they are. Yes they "splurge"... but why the hell not? listening to the sotries and jokes remind me that many people are just that... people.

You could "Class" people.. but would this be fair? i say not. No matter what "class" you put them in, it is the mindset of the person that truly differentiates us.... there are of course people who deserve to be dissed and fed to the dogs, but keep an open mind when meeting people. A Taxi driver might turn out to be a philosophical person who couldnt be bothered to work that hard, but still have a sharp mind, or a business man might be the most annoying and socially in-apt person you can meet...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Socialite Part 3

My Aunt and cousin... these are people who live a good life.. but relatively simple... they do not stinge nor do they splurge... guess in the 1.5 years i spent with them, ive learnt to make do with things given to me... though i admit... i've grown lazy in this house.. haha.... oldham hall is a completely different matter.. but i shalt not dwell into that.

SeSix... now this class is one in a million... Rachel, Virn, Daryl, Leon, HongDa, Ying, Mich, Daph, Bryan... each and every person is completely unique... we have muggers, sports people, musicians, high society, pubbing, computer addict(thats me)... as daryl put it.. our class is the coolest.. haha... yes, this causes some rifts in class i suppose... but the dis-unity is mainly my failure as a class rep. not totally due to such diversity in interests. but i digress.... These are the dudes that have properly gotten my drunk and partying... pretty much forcing me to open and loosen up alot. People who have fun and say screw the consequences... take drinking in class for example... that was incredible.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Russel Peters in Singapore in Oct...

fucking alevels... <--Check it

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Photos from the trip to Sentosa...

I was not sun burnt. I was roasted

Off my Cam

My nose aint pealing... its exfoliation

Off Fio's Cam

Just making life interesting:)

Socialite Part 2

My Parents... in particular my father gave me the discipline to analyse things... to control my emotions and to reason... This was partially indirectly cultivated at home... on one hand, the strictness of my father made me disciplined and a reasoning person. The kindness and gentleness of my mother also made me much of the person i am today. Indirectly... the unreasonable nature of my own father forced me to be conscious of the fact that people have to be pleased and manipulated in subtle ways... well... not manipulated... but rather... compromised with.

Barker... The vibrancy of the culture here is incredible.... we have people from all walks of life... though most of them are rich in one sense or another:P. Most of my friends here enjoy the simple pleasures... or rather... the boyish pleasures... such as gaming, movies, pranks... this was where i developed both my wit and appriciation of the finer arts in life... ACS has this english culture that is hard to find in other schools, mainly because of the type of students we meet here.... From Ben moey to HanYang... Colin to Ben Ho... they are intelligent in their various ways and with such varied company, i found that i absorbed so much... this gave me the basis with which im consistantly building my knowledge upon...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Socialite Part1

This is a damn long post.. so i decided to split if up and post it over a few days.... haha... all of them will have the title socialite, if i decide to post other things inbetween... its way too long to read in one sitting... so yeah... Part 1 is here

hmm.... was sitting at the table tonight with Adeline's family and digging into a splendid dinner... and it struck me, how different the people i have hung out with are... From Jagoh Pri, My Parents, My aunt and cousin, Barker dudes, SeSix mates and Adeline's family......

Jagoh was a neighbourhood school... i owe my roots to the people there... to be honest, if i had started my education in a place like ACS(P) i think i would be an entirely different person today... the simpleness and honesty of my friends really made me realise that being a person is more than the possesion of material things. The teachers especially gave me a model of humbleness....(if that is the right way to phrase it... my england quite bad now a days). This coupled with the discipline and "trifty" side of my family(aka my father) moulded me into the person in myself that i can actually admire and be proud to show others... it gave me the drive to succeed in many things, and yet not become big-headed or complacent.

Bloggers and School

heya guys... its 1 am in the morning... to be honest i tried to sleep about an hour ago.. but you can see how successful i was.

what id give to slip into a warm bed with an empty and contented mind...

Realised that i am way behind in my school work, GP is scattered to the four corners of my room(which though small, consists of several levels of trash is varying states of decay) Math is on track(albeit a bumpy one) and physics is moving like a rocket without fuel.... ok that was stupid. but you get the idea.

added a couple of interesting blogger links... go check them out. Bloggers from singapore arnt that boring after all.... its only me:/

i am burdened by the thought of losing a dear friend. Yet in my heart i know that what ever happens, things will always stay the same between us... though she is not my lover, she is closer than a sister... maybe this is the key to fully flowing back into the mould of the person i once was... the mould that gave me purpose and the vibrancy of a life i sorely miss... we shall see shant we? Aueralis................ the name alone brings back memories of another who guided me through a rough patch... yet we havent spoken for ages. Where is he? how is he doing? i blame myself entirely for giving up on the friendship we had. I've said sorry before, and though he may have forgiven me... i cannot forgive myself. take care dear friend. may our paths cross yet again one day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Taken off

Dilbert quotes contest
A magazine recently ran a "Dilbert quotes" contest. They were looking for people to submit quotes from their real-life dilbert-type managers.
Here are the top ten finalists:

1. "As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday and employees will receive their cards in two weeks."(This was the winning quote from Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp. in Redmond, WA)

2. "What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter."(Lykes Lines Shipping)

3. "E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or data. It should be used only for company business."(Accounting manager, Electric Boat Company)

4. "This project is so important, we can't let things that are more important interfere with it."(Advertising/Marketing manager, United Parcel Service)

5. "Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."(Plant manager, Delco Corporation)

6. "No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now, go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them."(R&D supervisor, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing/3M Corp.)

7. Quote from the Boss: "Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say."(Marketing executive, Citrix Corporation)

8. My sister passed away and her funeral was scheduled for Monday. When I told my Boss, he said she died on purpose so that I would have to miss work on the busiest day of the year. He then asked if we could change her burial to Friday. He said, "That would be better for me."(Shipping executive, FTD Florists)

9. "We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees."(Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division)

10. One day my Boss asked me to submit a status report to him concerning a project I was working on. I asked him if tomorrow would be soon enough. He said, "If I wanted it tomorrow, I would have waited until tomorrow to ask for it!"(Hallmark Cards Executive)

via rx78ntx who got it via Inderjit Singh SOPS

Sunday, June 19, 2005

What's #15's last name?: eh... no idea! but i remembered his surname ish wong! hurhur

ok.. im being mean.. but laugh.. .anywayz this is the actual thingie... do not take it to heart... juz laugh. this is done completly for entertainment... results have NOT been tweaked... trust me... im serious... ah fuck it.

Name 20 friends without looking at the questions and answer the questions with regard to your friend of the corresponding number.

1. Adeline Goh
2. Colin
3. Ben Moey
4. Aaron
5. Estelle
6. Wanyi
7. KeiSeen(:D when i think Wanyi i think KeiSeen... its... conditioned)
8. Fiona Chan
9. Virnice
10. Darryl
11. Johnathan Khoo
12. Angeline Goh
13. Jason
14. Keith
15. Karen Yeoh
16. Shaun
17. Johnathan Tan(yet another one)
18. Wayzee
19. Far Kai
20. Cherie

The questions:

Who is #8 going out with?: the rocker footballer
Is #9 a boy or a girl?: 60%Guy, 40%Girl.. the 40% being physically
Would #11 and #2 go out?: no... u 2 wouldnt.... would u? omg... gay faggots
How about #18 and #4?: no... u 2 wouldnt.... would u?
What grade is #17 in?: J1
When was the last time you talked to #12?: 4 hrs ago
What is #6's favorite band?: Simple Plan? being the simple girl she is
Does #1 have any siblings?: Yep... #12
Would you ever date #3?: no..............................
Would you ever date #7?: NoooOOoOOoooo...................
Is #16 single?: yep...
What's #15's last name?: Ng... duh
What's #5's middle name?: nada... not that i know of
What's #10's fantasy?: some things i cant mention on this blog
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: no... good lord no
Tell me a random fact about #11?: he is dating #2
Have you ever had a crush on #16?: nooooooooooo
Are #5 & #6 best friends?: no.. they hardly know each other
Does #7 like #20?: nooOOoo... for #20's sake.. haha... ok thats mean
How did you meet #15?: on the trip to Pluto

Fucktard strikes again

ok.. i guess its ironic that im posting this after talking about not critisizing people and stuff like that... but in this case, he hurts alot of people... my God... can you stop fucking around you fucktard. shall not say ur name. not even sure if you will read this. but i heard a rumour. though it is only a rumour im inclined to believe it. so im calling u fucktard again... just because.... ur a fucktard

Saturday, June 18, 2005

"Why is it that everyone is always trying to fucking fix everyone else? My value systems are different from theirs, but it is no less wrong or immoral. It’s just different." - SarongPartyGirl

Yes... why is it so? there are people who live differently from you do, have different views of the world, love different things, etc. Why seek to change them? it will only result in conflict right?

Yes, justice systems are there to protect us from harm from other people. But is what we do with ourselves not part of our free-will? As long as it does not involve the exploitation of others, or causes harm to others... is it not completely fine? and yet something like the paper has to destroy this person. Isnt that a crime? havnt you denied this girl her freedom by making a hoo-haa out of her personal choice to express herself? in such a biased and dogmatic way to boot... how sad...

and they say we want more creative people....hmmmm......

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Safe Singapore?

There are sick sick people in this world... punish or even kill a person for a misdeed against you. Slightly understandable if unjust and against the commandments... cut up the person's body into pieces and stuff them into boxes, leave them floating in the Kallang River? That is inhumanly sick and stupid. Whoever did it should be put to death... a sick fuck like that does not deserve to exist.. let alone live.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

quick post

Hey guys... a quick post before i plunge into the world of serious computing, where numbers and figures rule the minds of every evil minion of the cyber domain...

i digress...

On the topic of computers and the cyber world. Guess you all have been reading about the blogs that caused quite a stir recently... shant mention them, though the newspaper dosent seem to practice much anonymosity. Would you consider such bloggers to be a bane to society? spreading and speeding the decay of culture? or are they the forerunners of a new society that is more "liberal"?
The reason i put it in inverted commas is that the content of these sites have been stepping on the toes of conservative people.

more on this later
great to hear from you again Chrisssssyyyyyyyy! (:

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Yep... here we are... Aueralis is back in business.. bloggin will commence soon, but not immediately... also some sites will be added to the links section too for your entertainment. Heya alex! wassup dude...

be back soon:D

Thursday, June 09, 2005

the light... the light shines... the tunnel ends!!! coming... June 17th... Aueralis..