Saturday, June 18, 2005

"Why is it that everyone is always trying to fucking fix everyone else? My value systems are different from theirs, but it is no less wrong or immoral. It’s just different." - SarongPartyGirl

Yes... why is it so? there are people who live differently from you do, have different views of the world, love different things, etc. Why seek to change them? it will only result in conflict right?

Yes, justice systems are there to protect us from harm from other people. But is what we do with ourselves not part of our free-will? As long as it does not involve the exploitation of others, or causes harm to others... is it not completely fine? and yet something like the paper has to destroy this person. Isnt that a crime? havnt you denied this girl her freedom by making a hoo-haa out of her personal choice to express herself? in such a biased and dogmatic way to boot... how sad...

and they say we want more creative people....hmmmm......


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