Sunday, September 12, 2004

Hello. This is Chris here.

Today I blew away half my day with 8 other idiots in order to have the best, most destructive and violent game of Starcraft I've had in a long time.

Lots of stuff blew up. Many people died. Nuclear warfare was prevalent.

Ben rocked in this game, because for once he didn't make some ridiculously retarded mistake. But hey, Ben always rocks! Lets hear it for beN!

My only regret is that I didn't build ,more BATTLECRUISERS. Because they rock.

I am now currently writhing away pathetically in my home, forced to endure long hours of study on chinese. Sad. Right?

Well, I think i'll stop here now..heeheex. If you have, at this point in time, guessed that the author of this entry is not Antaeus Chua, but actually some other bored duffer, give yourself a pat on the back.

If not...oh well, don't get too down... because Chris is giving a treat of 1 free drink to whoever did not guess that he was not this entry's author.

Live life to the fullest! heeheex. No, wait...forget it. Death is but a state of mind.